Finding a Path to Peace: from the A-bomb to Abolition

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In observance of the 79th Anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we are pleased to announce a Cleveland exhibition on loan from the Dayton International Peace Museum. This Hiroshima/Nagasaki Exhibition runs from August 8th to 24th, from 4 to 8 PM, every Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Pilgrim Congregational Church ,2592 W.14 St, Cleveland, OH 44113. Open to the public. Groups of 8 or more, please call ahead: 216-255-1576.

The exhibition offers photos and sketches by Japanese artists of the aftermath of the atomic bomb on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki in1945. They illustrate civilians in fear and despair – with short text or Haiku. There are photos of the Atomic Bomb explosions, and survivors, Hibakusha, some working for change. One poster, “Suppression of Freedom of Press and Expression” about the bomb elaborates, ” the censorship by the Allied Forces “was so strict that… almost any violation would almost certainly lead to the death penalty.” A Japanese character print, “Call” translates into “It is not too late yet – Muster up your real strength – It is still not too late – To wipe the tears of those who wish for peace”…. Sankichi Toge 

Sponsored by Cleveland Nonviolence Network and Cleveland Peace Action Education Fund.

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