Our mission: Stopping violence, war and terrorism, through peaceful, just and democratic means
Cleveland Peace Action is a convergence of people committed to ending violence and promoting justice, through education, advocacy and action. Our current priorities include:
- Ending wars and U.S. military interventions, replacing them with engagement and diplomacy, in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela and Iran.
- Cutting Pentagon spending and redirecting those funds for human needs, such as education, housing, transportation and health care.
- Peace with justice for all, in the Middle East and in particular, an end to the oppression of Palestinians.
- Reducing and ultimately abolishing nuclear weapons worldwide.
- Partnering with local groups to end violence and injustice in our communities.
- Working for environmental justice and addressing global climate change.
We welcome you to join with us and work towards these goals.
National Peace Action
Peace Action stands as the nation’s largest grassroots peace network, with chapters and affiliates spread across the USA.
Previously known as SANE/FREEZE, Peace Action traces its roots to 1987, formed by merging the Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. SANE originated in 1957, driven by concerns about the nuclear arms race and the urgent need to halt nuclear weapons testing. The Freeze gained momentum in 1981, supported by 80% of Americans, advocating for bilateral US-USSR freeze on nuclear weapons testing, production, and deployment. The inaugural SANE/FREEZE National Congress convened in Cleveland in 1987. As the Cold War, we rebranded as Peace Action to highlight the risks of militarized foreign policies, excessive military spending, and the perils of nuclear armaments.
For over six decades, Peace Action has tirelessly championed a world free from violence and warfare. Acknowledging that enduring global conflicts demand long-term solutions, Peace Action advocates for a new U.S. foreign policy grounded in human rights and democracy, eradicating the threat of weapons of mass destruction, and cooperation within the international community. Peace Action actively opposes preemptive wars and campaigns for the withdrawal of American troops and contractors from protracted conflicts in the Middle East.
As a pivotal member of two significant national coalitions, United for Peace and Justice and Win Without War, Peace Action collaborates closely with members of Congress to advance its goals.
Cleveland Peace Action
Cleveland Peace Action (CPA) is an affiliate of National PA, and fully endorses its goals. As a 501 (c) (4) organization, we also advocate for our own positions and policies, particularly those of local relevance and interest.
Cleveland Peace Action Education Fund
Cleveland Peace Action Education Fund is a 501(c)3 organization. The Education Fund provides support for educational programs within Cleveland Peace Action. Donations to Cleveland Peace Action Education Fund are tax-deductible and will be acknowledged with a letter, to document the gift for tax purposes.
Donors to either Cleveland Peace Action or the Cleveland Peace Action Education Fund are considered members of both our local chapter and the National Peace Action Organization. Please reach out to us directly for more information on the Education Fund’s tax-deductibility and documentation.
Officers: One-year term beginning 4/14/24
Don Bryant, President
Dena Magoulias, Treasurer
Doug Horner, Secretary
Two-year term beginning 4/14/24
Marc Alvarado
Don Bryant
Frances Crowe DiDonato
Chantal Dothey
Amina Hamdan
Elizabeth Kravanya
Terry Lodge
Jim Nau
Two-year term beginning 4/26/23
Francis Chiappa
Ric Doringo
Doug Horner
Dena Magoulias
Mary Ober
Contact: email us or use this form
Our office and mailing address is 2592 W. 14th St., Suite 109, Cleveland, OH 44113.